Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced


Our boys’ ballet classes assist in developing young boys’ agility, flexibility, strength, and physical self-control. Students also work on self-discipline, focusing on goals, and cooperation with other students.


Boys ages 3 and 4 are welcome to begin in our Creative Movement classes.
Boys ages 5 and 6 are welcome to join Pre-Ballet classes.

Boys begin working independently from the girls around age 7 or 8, where they are invited to take our Boys Beginner class.

If they so choose, we welcome boys to take regular technique classes with girls during their time at MDSB. Intermediate/Advanced teen boys, for example, often find Level 4 a good place to begin working more at the barre learning to hone their technique.

Families may contact administration to find the best classes to attend for their boy’s level.


Dress Code

Boys are required to wear white tee shirts and black leggings or tights. Boys in Creative Movement and Boys Level 1 may wear black shorts or pants. We ask that boys wear white socks and white ballet shoes. Hair must always be out of the face, away from the eyes.

Boys Classes – Spring 2025 Schedule
MON Intermediate Boys 5:00-6:30 Sam 5/26 (Memorial Day)
WED Pas de Deux (Adv. Boys) 5:00-7:00 Marat  
WED Advanced Boys Variation 7:00-8:00 Marat  
FRI Contemporary (Adv. Boys) 7:00-8:00 Morgan  
SAT Beginner Boys 9:00-10:00 Sam  
SAT Advanced Boys 10:00-11:30 Marat  
SUN Intermediate Boys 8:30-10:00 Sam 4/20 (Easter)


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